Thursday, June 23, 2016

Create Your Own Web Based Music Player

Web Based Music Player

Host your own web based music player for FREE !

Here, just as an example, I walk you through the usage of already developed (The popular music content provider) web based client application and its deployment on one of the cloud platform. In case you are developing a web based music player using as a content provider, you can deploy it onto your existing website(s) or you may want to place it onto your personal blog site. is a music website which can serve as an online music database provider which might not provide full free access to the music contents. There are other online music content providers that are largely available for free of charge e.g. vTunner, FreeDB, etc. In order to make your player free, you need to opt for any of such free music content provider.

The idea can be anything like to create the web based music player with rich UI contents (requires some impressing UI designing skills) which can allow us to browse and play the music contents in the below categories.

Music tracks categorized by:

Internet Radio's categorized by:

The original client application

Here is the original web based client application for This application is built using HTML/CSS/PHP, MySql, and using AJAX/JavaScript/JQuery.

The application gives us the useful information about the's top entities e.g. Artists, Album's or Tracks. It allows us to fetch the details about any particular track. Details could be anything like track name, url, duration, artist, album, album art url for different sizes, etc.

Hosting client application in the Cloud

I don't have the required environment setup to build and run this application on my machine. So, I used some trick to build and run this application anyway. In my earlier blog article, Run any code without any Environment SetupI mentioned about the Cloud9 platform. I used the same platform here to manage the things as required.

First of all, you need to create the work-space to host this application in Cloud9. You can also clone it from the GitHub link that I shared earlier for this application. While you create the work-space, you need to choose the correct reconfigured work-space template mentioned there. Once the work-space is created, Colud9 provides us the required environment setup to proceed further.

Setup and Configure the MySQL Database - The Workflow

In order to proceed further, you need to setup and configure the MySql database.
  • Configure your config.ini file as below:

; if change pls use the following command: git update-index --assume-unchanged config.ini
hostname = "localhost"
database = "test"
username = "root"
password = ""

api_key = "e85bfd5e26e0e91b53160653d86ba063"

api_key = "AIzaSyDn-UcwMbrIiX8wgyNAlLyHnmqOvZsaddw"

  • Right click the workspace folder and click 'Open Ternminal Here'. This should open the terminal.
  • Execute below commands to run the sql script to import the mysql database (import_db.sql).

> mysql-ctl start

> mysql -u root

  • Note: Log in without a password, as, the default root password is blank (i.e. empty string) not root.
  • This should open the mysql command prompt. Now, run the below commands to create the test database (db name is already configured in config.ini)

mysql> CREATE DATABASE test;
mysql> USE test

Database changed

  • Run the contents of import_db.sql here e.g. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'logtracks'... e.g. mysql> <contents of import_db.sql>
  • Now the database is created and ready to use.
A PHP class LastfmController handles the call's to the LastFM API. There are some java scripts to help you get the response from the server and parse that JSON response into the tabular form as represented in its GUI. For example, the function getTopTracksTag in lastfm_artists.js file used to get the top tracks from the In response to that call, server gives the result in JSON format. The response is then parsed and filled into the HTML table to show to the user. 

The sample JSON that we get is shown as below with the online JSON parser.

Run the client application

Now, you can run the application. On the created work-space there is an option "Run Project" to start running the application. Once you hit the run button, it internally starts the Apache server to host your application on. Once it is ready, the platform provides you the serving link as below using which you can test your application.

Starting Apache httpd, serving
Started apache2


When you run the application, it shows its own UI with the options to specify some inputs. Now, put some artist name and then select one of the tag names it has populated depending upon the artist name you put. It shows the top tracks tag result as below.

Playing the audio on web using the HTML5 <audio> Element

HTML5 provides a standard for playing audio files. Before HTML5, there was no standard for playing audio files on a web page.

To play an audio files or radio stations in HTML, use the <audio> element:

<audio controls>
  <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">


From the things that I just have mentioned, I can say that, using or using similar music content providers(but FREE!), one can create the rich web based music player for FREE !

You would have got an idea about generally how to consume music contents that the provider provides and how it can be used to create the intended player application.

Popular Music Content Providers

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Call a C# Method From JavaScript

Imagine from within your Windows Forms applications, you are actually navigating different web pages and treating it as a Web Application. This is made possible by the .NET component called as WebBrowser. This control is available as a tool to be put onto your Windows Form.

The WebBrowser .NET control enables the user to navigate Web pages inside your Windows Form.

The below sample shows how to make a use of WebBrowser control and make a call C# from JavaScript or the other way round.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WebBrowserDemo
    public partial class WebBrowserDemo : Form
        private HtmlElement button;

        public WebBrowserDemo()

            // Set the WebBrowser that can be accessed by scripting code 
            // that is contained within the web page displayed in the WebBrowser control.
            webBrowser.ObjectForScripting = new ScriptHanlder(this);

            // Set the HTML contents of the web page 
            // displayed in the WebBrowser control.
            webBrowser.DocumentText = 
        .floating-box { float: left; width: 90px; height: 90px; margin: 20px; background-color:#73AD21;}
        .floating_icon { width:100%; text-align:center; height:90%; padding-top:30%; color:#134880;}
    <div width=""120"" height=""120"" border=""3"" >
        <div id=""btnZero"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(0);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>0</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnOne"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(1);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>1</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnTwo"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(2);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>2</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnThree"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(3);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>3</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnFour"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(4);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>4</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnFive"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(5);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>5</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnSix"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(6);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>6</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnSeven"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(7);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>7</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnEight"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(8);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>8</h2> </div>
        <div id=""btnNine"" class=""floating-box"" onClick=""window.external.OnClick(9);"">
        <div class=""floating_icon""> <h2>9</h2> </div>

        public void NumberClicked(int num)
            switch (num)
                case 0:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnZero");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "0" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Zero</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>0</h2> </div>";
                case 1:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnOne");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "1" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>One</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>1</h2> </div>";
                case 2:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnTwo");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "2" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Two</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>2</h2> </div>";
                case 3:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnThree");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "3" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Three</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>3</h2> </div>";
                case 4:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnFour");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "4" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Four</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>4</h2> </div>";
                case 5:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnFive");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "5" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Five</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>5</h2> </div>";
                case 6:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnSix");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "6" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Six</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>6</h2> </div>";
                case 7:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnSeven");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "7" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Seven</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>7</h2> </div>";
                case 8:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnEight");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "8" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Eight</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>8</h2> </div>";
                case 9:
                    button = webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btnNine");
                    if (button != null)
                        button.InnerHtml = button.InnerText == "9" ? "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>Nine</h2> </div>" : 
                            "<div class=\"floating_icon\"> <h2>9</h2> </div>";

        // Set the class as ComVisible to be able to access it from JavaScript.
        public class ScriptHanlder
            private WebBrowserDemo demoForm;

            public ScriptHanlder(WebBrowserDemo form)
                // Store the form to refer it later.
                demoForm = form;

            // Method called from JavaScript.
            public void OnClick(int num)

More information about WebBrowser can be found here.

Monday, May 9, 2016

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HackerRank focuses on competitive programming challenges and has an online community of over one million computer programmers. HackerRank's programming challenges can be solved in a variety of programming languages (including, Java, C++, PHP, SQL, and many more) and span multiple computer science domains.

When a programmer submits a solution to a programming challenge, their submission is scored on the accuracy of their output and the execution time of their solution. Programmers are then ranked globally on the HackerRank leader-board and earn badges based on their accomplishments to drive competition among users. In addition to individual programming challenges, HackerRank also hosts contests where users compete on the same programming challenges during a set period of time and are then ranked at the conclusion of the event. 

In addition to supporting a variety of popular programming languages, HackerRank categorizes most of their programming challenges into a number of core Computer Science domains, including:

  • Artificial Intelligence: involves developing AI bots and using them against others.
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Similar Platforms

Friday, May 6, 2016

LRU Cache Using C++

This article gives the information to implement the class for LRU-caching to be implemented using C++ standard library. Here is the simplified version of the LRU cache using standard C++ library. This is the LRU cache template code to be used for instant usage.


LRU Cache is a key-value container providing caching with a least-recently-used replacement mechanism which is a useful in any programming language as a performance optimization toolkit. LRU cache algorithm discards the least recently used items first. It requires to keep track of what was used when, which is expensive if one wants to make sure the algorithm always discards the least recently used item. General implementations of this technique require keeping track the "Least Recently Used" items.

The Need of Cache

Generally, the need for caching arises to preserve the result of some heavy or expensive operations so that, it can be reused without performing the same operation again and again in future. Expensive task could be anything that requires some complex calculations or the task which performs more time consuming operations e.g. I/O operation. If the total number of such results dealt with over the lifetime of the system does not consume excessive memory, it may suffice to store them in a simple key-value container (e.g. std::map), with the key being the input to the expensive function and the value being the result.

Limiting Cache Size

Applications which uses such a caching mechanism, might result into excessive memory usage problems. It could be because, they have no limit to store items or they have heavy items to store into the cache and it results into such problems over the time of application usage.

To avoid such problems, it it worth defining the size of the cache statically. For example, an online media player requires a collection of image files(album arts) while browsing the online content metadata might include a cache to load images of different sizes so as to avoid re-loading the most recently viewed images if the user revisits them. However, by taking the size-in-bytes of the stored images of different sizes into account, the maximum total memory consumed by cached objects could be controlled and the number of images cached automatically adjusted in response to the aggregate size.


Standard Library based LRU-cache:

#ifndef _LRU_CACHE_HPP_
#define _LRU_CACHE_HPP_

#include < list >
#include < unordered_map >
#include < cassert > 
#include < iostream >

// Class representing LRU Cache of any generic items with key-value pair.
template < typename Key, typename Value, size_t CacheSize >
class LRUCache
    * @brief Constructor.

    * @brief Destructor.

    * @brief Check if the key exists in a cache.
    * @param key Key
    * @return true if key exists otherwise false.
    bool exist(Key key)
        if (cache.find(key) == cache.end())
            return false;
        return true;

    * @brief Clears the cache.
    * Removes all cache entries and drops all usage count data and so on.
    void clear()

    * @brief Fetches the cache data if the key exists in the cache.
    * @brief If the given key exists, it makes the key and associated value
    * @brief to be the most recently used one by moving the pair to the end of the list.
    * @param  key Key to be spliced.
    * @return get value for the given key.
    Value fetch(const Key& key)
        assert(cache.find(key) != cache.end());

        // cache-hit
        // Update access record by moving accessed key to back of the list


        // return the retrieved value
        return cache[key].first;

    * @brief Adds the given Key-Value pair into the cache.
    * @param key Key
    * @param value Value
    void add(const Key& key, Value value)
        //method should be called only when cache-miss happens
        assert(cache.find(key) == cache.end());

        if (cache.find(key) != cache.end())
            cache[key].first = value;
            insert(key, value);



    void print()
        typename LRUList::reverse_iterator it = lruList.rbegin();

        for (; it != lruList.rend(); it++)
            //printf("%d\n", *it);
            std::cout << cache[*it].first.c_str() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "------------------" << std::endl;

    * @brief Increase usage count for entry of the given key.
    * @brief Touches an entry in cache, simulating access to it.
    * @brief Usefull to splice item in the cache, reducing(or increasing)
    * @brief risk for expiration for it.
    * @param key key to touch
    void touch(const Key &key)
        if (lruList.size() > 0)
            lruList.splice(lruList.end(), lruList, cache[key].second);

    * @brief Creates and adds key-value entry linked to the usage record into the cache.
    * @brief It makes the space if necessary.
    * @brief If key exists, it records the key as most-recently-used key.
    * @brief risk for expiration for it.
    * @param key key to insert.
    * @param key value to insert.
    void insert(const Key& key, Value value)
        // make space if necessary
        if (lruList.size() == CacheSize)

        // record key as most-recently-used key
        typename std::list< Key >::iterator it = lruList.insert(lruList.end(), key);

        // create key-value entry, linked to the usage record
        cache.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::make_pair(value, it)));

    * @brief It identifies and removes the least-recently used element in the cache.
    * @brief It makes the space if necessary.
    * @brief If key exists, it records the key as most-recently-used key.
    * @brief risk for expiration for it.
    * @param key key to insert.
    * @param key value to insert.
    void erase()

        // identify least-recently-used key
        const typename UnorderedCache::iterator it = cache.find(lruList.front());

        //erase both elements to completely purge record

    // Key access history, most recent at back
    typedef std::list< Key > LRUList;

    // Key to value and key history iterator
    typedef std::unordered_map< Key, std::pair< Value, typename std::list< Key >::iterator> > UnorderedCache;

    LRUList lruList;
    UnorderedCache cache;



In the above class, the key data type and value data type are passed as parameters to the LRUCache class template.

Users of the C++ Standard Library needing an LRU-replacement cache generally gravitate towards std::map or std::unordered_map, because of their support for efficient keyed value accesses (O(log n) or O(1) access complexity). The problem then is how to implement the eviction strategy.

The most obvious solution is to use the std::list < key >.

In the example above, eviction mechanism is implemented using the std::list which maintains the key of the least recently used item at the head and the most recently used item at the tail. Whenever an item is accessed (used), the item is moved to the tail of the LRU cache list. Items from the list gets erased when the number of items in a cache reached the capacity. Notice that the map for (key, value) pair is actually implemented as (key, (value, list_iterator)) where the list_iterator points to an item in the LRU tracker. With this, we don’t need to search the list to find the key which is relatively expensive operation in O(n). Here, it uses std::unordered_map for (key,value) map to improve the average time complexity for add operation to O(1).

How to use the Class

Below code snippet shows the actual usage of the above LRUCache class. It shows a cache, that keeps data of type std::string and keys are of type int.

    typedef LRUCache < int, string, 10 > Cache;
    Cache myCache;

Cache object 'myCache' is allowed to keep only 10 items. Cache size is configured at the construction time and cannot be changed in the future.

You could put objects into the cache object using cache::add insert call:

When the cache size is full, it adds the newly requested item into the cache at most recently used position by deleting cache::erase the item at least recently used position.

    myCache.add(1, "One");
    myCache.add(2, "Two");
    myCache.add(3, "Three");
    myCache.add(4, "Four");
    myCache.add(5, "Five");
    myCache.add(6, "Six");
    myCache.add(7, "Seven");
    myCache.add(8, "Eight");
    myCache.add(9, "Nine");
    myCache.add(10, "Ten");
    myCache.add(11, "Elevan");

Now, when you have some data in the cache, you may want to retrieve it back:
The cache::fetch call will return a data value, associated with the supplied key.

    for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--)
        if (myCache.exist(i))

The cache::exist ensures that the key is present or not into the cache. If the key is present, then only we try to fetch the value of that key.

The cache::fetch call internally makes a call to cache::touch function which touches an entry in cache, simulating access to it. This is useful to splice the item into the cache, reducing(or increasing) risk for expiration for it.

The other usage of LRU cache could be for Image Cache as stated earlier:

    typedef enum
    typedef enum

    typedef LRUCache< CACHE_TYPE, std::pair< std::string, std::weak_ptr< uint8_t > >, 100> Large;
    typedef LRUCache< CACHE_TYPE, std::pair< std::string, std::weak_ptr< uint8_t > >, 300> Medium;
    typedef LRUCache< CACHE_TYPE, std::pair< std::string, std::weak_ptr< uint8_t > >, 500> Small;

    Large largeSizeCache;
    Medium mediumSizeCache;
    Small smallSizeCache;

    std::shared_ptr< uint8_t > JPEG = ImageScaler.GetImageRawData(JpegImagePath);
    largeSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_LARGE, std::make_pair("JPEG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleLarge(JPEG).get()));
    mediumSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_MEDIUM, std::make_pair("JPEG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleMedium(JPEG).get()));
    smallSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_SMALL, std::make_pair("JPEG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleSmall(JPEG).get()));

    std::shared_ptr< uint8_t > PNG = ImageScaler.GetImageRawData(PngImagePath);
    largeSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_LARGE, std::make_pair("PNG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleLarge(PNG).get()));
    mediumSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_MEDIUM, std::make_pair("PNG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleMedium(PNG).get()));
    smallSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_SMALL, std::make_pair("PNG_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleSmall(PNG).get()));

    std::shared_ptr< uint8_t > GIF = ImageScaler.GetImageRawData(GifImagePath);
    largeSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_LARGE, std::make_pair("GIF_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleLarge(GIF).get()));
    mediumSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_MEDIUM, std::make_pair("GIF_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleMedium(GIF).get()));
    smallSizeCache.add(CACHE_TYPE_SMALL, std::make_pair("GIF_HASH", ImageScaler.ScaleSmall(GIF).get()));


The above example can be extended for Cache Mediator Pattern and with mediator it can be turned into Asynchronous Cache, High Throughput, Thread-Safe LRU Cache. We'll see such an implementation in my future article.

Happy Coding. :-)

Run any code without any Environment Setup

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Similar Platforms

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Books I Read in 2015

Books I Read in 2015

In 2015, I read number of books. But, the most exciting titles I feel are as below.

TimeLine - Michael Crichton (Author)

In an Arizona desert a man wanders in a daze, speaking words that make no sense. Within twenty-four hours he is dead, his body swiftly cremated by his only known associates. Halfway around the world archaeologists make a shocking discovery at a medieval site. Suddenly they are swept off to the headquarters of a secretive multinational corporation that has developed an astounding technology. Now this group is about to get a chance not to study the past but to enter it. And with history opened to the present, the dead awakened to the living, these men and women will soon find themselves fighting for their very survival–six hundred years ago. . . .

The Lost World - Michael Crichton (Author)

"Harrowing thrills . . . fast-paced and engaging.”—People
“A very scary read.”—Entertainment Weekly
“Action-packed.”—New York Daily News
“An edge-of-the-seat tale.”—St. Petersburg Times

It is now six years since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park, six years since the extraordinary dream of science and imagination came to a crashing end—the dinosaurs destroyed, the park dismantled, and the island indefinitely closed to the public.

There are rumors that something has survived. . . .

Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton (Author)

“Wonderful . . . powerful.”—The Washington Post Book World

An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind’s most thrilling fantasies have come true. Creatures extinct for eons roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery, and all the world can visit them—for a price.

Until something goes wrong. . . .

In Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton taps all his mesmerizing talent and scientific brilliance to create his most electrifying technothriller.

“Frighteningly real . . . compelling . . . It’ll keep you riveted.”—The Detroit News
“Crichton’s dinosaurs are genuinely frightening.”—Chicago Sun-Times
“Full of suspense.”—The New York Times Book Review

Congo - Michael Crichton (Author)

Deep in the African rain forest, near the legendary ruins of the Lost City of Zinj, an expedition of eight American geologists are mysteriously and brutally killed in a matter of minutes.

Ten thousand miles away, Karen Ross, the Congo Project Supervisor, watches a gruesome video transmission of the aftermath: a camp destroyed, tents crushed and torn, equipment scattered in the mud alongside dead bodies—all motionless except for one moving image—a grainy, dark, man-shaped blur.

In San Francisco, primatologist Peter Elliot works with Amy, a gorilla with an extraordinary vocabulary of 620 "signs," the most ever learned by a primate, and she likes to finger paint. But recently her behavior has been erratic and her drawings match, with stunning accuracy, the brittle pages of a Portuguese print dating back to 1642 . . . a drawing of an ancient lost city. A new expedition—along with Amy—is sent into the Congo, where they enter a secret world, and the only way out may be through a horrifying death . . .

आर्य चाणक्यजनार्दन ओक (लेखक)

"सर्वसाधारण मनुष्याला जीवनापासून परावृत्त करणं अतिरिक्त अहिंसेचा अवलंब करणाऱ्या गोष्टीमुळे राष्ट्राचं अपरिमित नुकसान होते हे ध्यानी घेणं आवश्यक आहे. आम्हाला कुणावरही आक्रमण करण्याची कांक्षा नही. परंतु आमच्यावरती झालेलं आक्रमण आम्ही सहन करणार नही. नवनिर्माणाच्या नावाने होणारी असंथ मनाची भावना अव्यवस्था राष्ट्रास हानिकारक ठरते. सांप्रत संपूर्ण आर्यावर्तात हीच अवस्था निर्माण झाली आहे. हे सारं संपुष्टात यावं असा माझा आग्रह आहे. आपला हा उद्योग त्याप्रीत्यर्थ आहे. धर्म, वैभव, सद्भाव, साधर्म्य हे राष्ट्राचे सामर्थ्य आहे. या चार गोष्टी जिथे नांदतात ते राष्ट्र आदर्श मानलं जातं. माझा अट्टाहास अशा राष्ट्रांकारिता आहे. कुठल्याही एका विविक्षीत वर्गानं संपन्न असावं आणि इतरांनी त्यापासून वंचित असावं हा राज्यानिर्मितीचा उद्देश नाही. अधिक अधिक प्रजेनं सुखी असावं हा या निर्मितीचा मुळ उद्देश आहे."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - आर्य चाणक्य

Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management - Chris Farrell (Author), Nick Harrison (Author)

This book starts with an introduction to the core concepts of .NET memory management and garbage collection, and then quickly layers on additional details and intricacies. Once you're up to speed, you can dive into the guided troubleshooting tour, and tips for engineering your application to maximise performance. And to finish off, take a look at some more sophisticated considerations, and even a peek inside the Windows memory model.

Windows Internals, Part 1 and Part 2 (6th Edition) (Developer Reference)by Mark E. Russinovich (Author), David A. Solomon (Author), Alex Ionescu (Author) 

        Delve inside Windows architecture and internals—and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is fully updated for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2—and now presents its coverage in two volumes.

As always, you get critical insider perspectives on how Windows operates. And through hands-on experiments, you’ll experience its internal behavior firsthand—knowledge you can apply to improve application design, debugging, system performance, and support.

In Part 1, you will:

  • Understand how core system and management mechanisms work—including the object manager, synchronization, Wow64, Hyper-V, and the registry
  • Examine the data structures and activities behind processes, threads, and jobs
  • Go inside the Windows security model to see how it manages access, auditing, and authorization
  • Explore the Windows networking stack from top to bottom—including APIs, BranchCache, protocol and NDIS drivers, and layered services
  • Dig into internals hands-on using the kernel debugger, performance monitor, and other tools 

Delve inside Windows architecture and internals—and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is fully updated for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2—and now presents its coverage in two volumes.

As always, you get critical insider perspectives on how Windows operates. And through hands-on experiments, you’ll experience its internal behavior firsthand—knowledge you can apply to improve application design, debugging, system performance, and support.

In Part 2, you’ll examine:

  • Core subsystems for I/O, storage, memory management, cache manager, and file systems
  • Startup and shutdown processes
  • Crash-dump analysis, including troubleshooting tools and techniques
